Daichi Kashino

I am an project assistant professor (NAOJ fellow) at Division of Science, National Observatory of Japan (NAOJ).
My research focuses on the evolution of galaxies and cosmic structures of gas and dark matter through cosmic history.

I am currently dedicating myself to the EIGER project, carried out around a JWST observing program, to explore the Epoch of Reionization, and to the Subaru PFS collaboration to understand galaxy evolution through cosmic history.

The full NASA/ADS list of publications



Division of Science, National Observatory of Japan
2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo 101-8588 JAPAN

E-mail:  email


The JWST EIGER website

The FMOS-COSMOS survey

FMOS-COSMOS Data Release

Short CV

2023 July - present
  Project Assistant Professor (NAOJ Fellow)
  Division of Science, National Observatory of Japan (NAOJ)

2020 October - 2023 June
  Designated Assistant Professor
  Nagoya University, Japan

2016 October - 2020 September
  Postdoctoral researcher
  ETH Zurich, Switzerland

2016 September
  Postdoctoral researcher (JSPS PD)
  Nagoya University, Japan

2014 April - 2016 August
  Division of particle and astrophysical science,
  Grad. Sch. of Science, Nagoya Univ.
  (PhD course / supervisor: N. Sugiyama)

2012 April - 2014 March
  Division of particle and astrophysical science,
  Grad. Sch. of Science, Nagoya Univ.
  (Marster's course / supervisor: N. Sugiyama)

2007 April - 2011 March
  School of Science, Nagoya University, Japan

Home   This page.

Research  Descriptions of my interests and research activities

Publications  Refereed papers, presentations, workshops etc...

Photos  Photographs of night sky that I took.

Miscellanea  Links, memorandum, and tips.